Jinan waterproofing company introduced a wide variety of ceramic wall and floor tiles, calling attention to the spring when the water content to buy. Surface smooth and delicate, shiny crystal surface gloss, matte soft touch is moisture
better products. Paying particular attention to the difference between ceramic and porcelain, small water absorption fine structure, clear crisp percussion sound is ceramic tile, and high water absorption, structural holes and more dull percussion sound is muddy ceramic tiles . Water absorption of ceramic tile in the case of small spring diurnal temperature variation is not prone to cracking.
Jinan waterproofing company comes to large temperature spring water also is particularly important, so this time step can not be ignored renovated waterproof. Ground water treatment is best to do a good job, so to avoid waterproof
coating resulting in leakage due to uneven thickness. Use paint and cement seams to brush up for the place, and the materials used should be uniform.
Jinan waterproof recommends layering rich in texture wood floor is now the first choice of consumers decoration. For spring, choose wood floor renovation, should pay attention to the moisture content of the wood, especially wood floors,
general moisture content should be around 11%, if the moisture content is high, the water will be warped floor deformation phenomenon after loss. Large-scale factory production metropolis corresponding production, measurement, transportation security system.